How You Can Help

Dear NGO Trustees and Other Interested Community Leaders;

Our e-Learning tutorials are not a substitute for class room learnings by teachers. We are here to facilitates those youths who are not fortunate to receive high quality education due to a varying and numerous reasons.

How can you help?
• Introduce TMST App in schools nearby you.
• Help parents to get the App started on their phones.
• Show parents how to use the TMST App.
• Please keep in mind that for each grade, we need a different account. For more details see other Tab.
We need hundreds and thousands of volunteers like you to make the Gujarati youths and ultimately Indian youths the most successful and highly learned youths.

Please step up and donate your time. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing that you have changed the futures of hundreds and thousands of youths.
Please email us at if you need more information.

Pankajkumar K Shah (PE)
Boston USA, email Mobile: +1 781 413 1188